Changing the parameters of Dédalo API server config file
This config file sets specific values to configure the publication API. The server API could be on a separate server and therefore you will have to edit and reformulate some existing values in the Dédalo configuration files, such as those for connection to the database or the user code.
Locate the file into the directory: ../dedalo/publication/server_api/v1/config_api/
cd ../dedalo/lib/dedalo/publication/server_api/v1/config_api/
Edit the server_config_api.php.
nano server_config_api.php
Locate and change the PROPERTIES with the proper configuration.
Setting the root directory for the API server
API_ROOT string
Defines the main server API directory. This constant is used to set a root directory for access to the files and libs of the server API.
define('API_ROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
Setting the API entity
Set the entity name that is publication data.
define('API_ENTITY', 'my_entity');
Setting the default lang to get data
Set the default lang to get data from DDBB. If the request to the API don't get information in other language, the API will do a fallback to the language defined here.
$DEFAULT_LANG = 'lg-spa';
Dédalo uses the pattern: lg-xxx lg = identify the term as language xxx = with the official tld of the ISO 639-6, Alpha-4 code for comprehensive coverage of language variants.
Value Diffusion language lg-spa Spanish lg-cat Catalan lg-eus Basque lg-eng English lg-fra French
Setting the API default database
Set the default database to do API calls.
Setting the API web URL
Set the default URL of the web, the root domain of the public website. Some API calls need to be a relative or absolute URL and need to be referenced by this parameter. The API is linked the this main domain to get the media and create the relative links between data.
Web base URL from where the contents are served.
Setting the API code, authorization code
Set authorization code that will use in the clients to get API server calls.
All calls to the public API must have this code, it prevents unwanted / unauthorized calls. The access to the public API is controlled with this code. This code can be public or private, if you want open access to your public data you can share this code.
define('API_WEB_USER_CODE', 'My_API_code');
Is possible use the variable $skip_api_web_user_code_verification to bypass the code check.
For use this functionality you can send skip_api_web_user_code_verification=true to the server as POST or GET request that will set into the var $skip_api_web_user_code_verification by the json/index.php file.
Example of query:
It will be pass the code:
if (isset($skip_api_web_user_code_verification) && $skip_api_web_user_code_verification===true) { // Ignore api code verification mode }else{ if (empty($code)) { echo json_encode("Error. Empty user code"); die(); }elseif ($code!==API_WEB_USER_CODE) { echo json_encode("Error. Invalid user code '$code' " . API_ENTITY); die(); } }
Setting MySQL database
Set the database name will be use to read the public data into MySQl.
define('MYSQL_DEDALO_DATABASE_CONN', 'dedalo_public');
Is possible use the variable $db_name for change the database used in MySQL connection.
For use this functionality you can send the name of the database to the server as POST or GET request that will set into the var $db_name by the json/index.php file.
Example of query:
You can configure it with this sample code:
$db_name = !empty($db_name) ? $db_name // use db_name : $DEFAULT_DDBB; // fallback to default DDBB define('MYSQL_DEDALO_DATABASE_CONN', $db_name);
Setting MySQL connection
Set the hostname of the MySQl server.
Is possible set the hostname with 'localhost' or the name of the server host or use the ip to connect external server
Setting MySQL username
Set the username that will use the API server to read MySQl database. For the API server, the MySQL user can be read-only user.
The username used in this config file is used only for the front-end, don't use the privileged user of the back-end, for the API use a read-only user.
Setting MySQL password
Set the password to connect the MySQl database.
Is very recommendable to use a strong password for this connection. And don't use the same password of the privileged user used in the back-end.
Setting MySQL port
Set the port used in the connection. By default MariaDB / MySQL uses the 3306 port but it is very recommendable to change it to avoid DOS attacks.
define('MYSQL_DEDALO_DB_PORT_CONN', '3306');
Setting MySQL socket
Set the socket used in the connection. The name of the Unix socket file to use for connections made using a named pipe to a local server. The default Unix socket file name is /tmp/mysql.sock.
Setting subtitles directory
Set the main directory used to locate subtitles files.
define('TEXT_SUBTITLES_URL_BASE', $WEB_BASE_URL.'/dedalo/publication/server_api/v1/subtitles/');
Setting the media directory URI
Set the main directory used to locate media files like images, audiovisual, pdf, etc.
define('DEDALO_MEDIA_BASE_URL', '/dedalo/media');
Setting the default quality for audiovisual footage
Set the default quality version that will use to get the audiovisual file.
By default Dédalo use a '404' version (720x404).
Value Quality Media Path original Multiple. The quality of the file ../media/av/original 1080 1920x1080 ../media/av/1080 720 1280x720 ../media/av/720 576 768x576 ../media/av/576 404 720x404 ../media/av/404 240 320x240 ../media/av/240 audio none ../media/av/audio
Setting the main directory for audiovisual footage
Set the main directory used to locate audiovisual media.
define('DEDALO_AV_FOLDER', '/av');
Setting the posterframe image format with file extension
Set the main image format used for the audiovisual posterframe. By default Dédalo use 'jpg'.
Switching the debugger
Enabling or disabling the debugger for the server API. This parameter is used for development purposes.
define('SHOW_DEBUG', false);
Defining the section used for stored audiovisual resources
Defines the 'section_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the audiovisual information.
This param is used in combination with the DEDALO_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_AV_TIPO to conform the full name of the audiovisual file.
The name of audiovisual files has his own locator to find it. The locator is used in the flat format: 'component_tipo''section_tipo''section_id' + extension Example: rsc35_rsc167_36.mp4
Defining the 'field' with component_tipo used for stored audiovisual resources
Defines the 'component_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the audiovisual file.
This param is used in combination with the DEDALO_SECTION_RESOURCES_AV_TIPO to conform the full name of the audiovisual file.
The name of audiovisual files has his own locator to find it. The locator is used in the flat format: 'component_tipo''section_tipo''section_id' + extension Example: rsc35_rsc167_36.mp4
Defining the component_tipo used for store the duration for audiovisual resources
Defines the 'component_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the duration of the audiovisual files.
This param is used for get the duration of the audiovisual file in the real time cuts and don't calculate it every time.
Defining the component_tipo used for store the transcription of audiovisual resources
Defines the 'component_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the transcription of the audiovisual files.
This param is used for get the full transcription locator used in indexations.
Defining the component_tipo used for store the transcription annotations
Define the 'component_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the annotations in the transcriptions of the audiovisual files.
This param is used for get the annotations locator used in transcriptions.
define('DEDALO_NOTES_TEXT_TIPO', 'rsc329');
Setting the current lang to get data
Set the current request language to get data.
define('WEB_CURRENT_LANG_CODE', !empty($lang) ? $lang : $DEFAULT_LANG);
Dédalo uses the pattern: lg-xxx lg = identify the term as language xxx = with the official tld of the ISO 639-6, Alpha-4 code for comprehensive coverage of language variants.
Value Diffusion language lg-spa Spanish lg-cat Catalan lg-eus Basque lg-eng English lg-fra French
Setting the main audiovisual URI
Set the public URI of the audiovisual files.
Adding required files
Some files need to be load to manage data and connections. Do not change this includes.
// DDBB connection manager
include API_ROOT .'/common/class.DBi.php';
// utilities
include API_ROOT .'/common/utils.php';
// web_data
include API_ROOT .'/common/class.web_data.php';
// JSON API manager
include API_ROOT .'/common/class.manager.php';
Setting the locator used as restriction
Set the locator, in flat mode, of the term used in the indexation for remove parts in audiovisual files. Restricted parts of audiovisual files can not be showed. This term is defined into special thesaurus and it is used to create exclude indexations. All indexations in this term will be removed and avoid to be publish.
define('TERM_ID_RESTRICTED', 'ts1_23');
If you want to use multiple restricted terms you can use the property: AR_RESTRICTED_TERMS
Setting multiple locator used as restriction
Set the locators, in flat mode, of the terms used in the indexation for remove parts in audiovisual files. Restricted parts of audiovisual files can not be showed.
define('AR_RESTRICTED_TERMS', json_encode(['ts1_23, 'on_4']));
If you want to use only one restricted term you can use the property: TERM_ID_RESTRICTED
Setting a fixed filter for publication column
Set a global filter to the publication records. It will be apply only to the publication column.
Setting the thesaurus table map
$table_thesaurus_map associative array
This global variable is used to define the map of thesaurus tables and the correspondence with section_tipo defined by locators.
Many backend data are locators that are used to point other information (locators are a relations between data), the original locator in Dédalo use the section_tipo defined in the ontology to point the target data.
When the data is published, sometimes the section_tipo for the thesaurus definition is changed to be more "human readable" format, but the original locators are not point these new table name. The table resolution will change the locator to point the right name, but some times, if the project has a lot thesaurus tables, could be convenient create the map for get a fast mapping of the ts tables.
This variable get the thesaurus map resolved fast to avoid unnecessary union tables, this variable is optional. Is possible use it when you need manage various tables at same time (toponymy for example).
$table_thesaurus_map = array('ts1'=>'ts_tematics');
Set tables with thesaurus structure
Set the tables that has thesaurus structure and can be used in common way. The thesaurus tables can be used in common search, unions, and other uses.
define('TABLE_THESAURUS', "ts_tematics,ts_ono");
different values are with comma separated
Setting the main hierarchy table
Set the hierarchy table for get the main root term of the thesaurus tables. Thesaurus tables has a hierarchy relations between terms and is necessary identify the main or root tem or the tree.
define('TABLE_HIERARCHY', 'hierarchy');
Setting the interview table name
Set the interview table name that will be used for get if the interview referenced by the resources data is active. Sometimes is possible that an audiovisual resource linked two or more interviews, and one of them could not to be published, and the public data need to banned. This parameter set the public table for interviews.
define('TABLE_INTERVIEW', 'interview');
Setting the audiovisual table name
Set the audiovisual table name. This variable will be used for locate audiovisual fragments from the indexations in the thesaurus tables.
define('TABLE_AUDIOVISUAL', 'audiovisual');
Setting the image table name
Set the image table name. This variable will be used for locate images from the indexations in the thesaurus tables.
define('TABLE_IMAGE', 'image');
Setting the informant table name
Set the informant table name (people from whom we obtain information). This variable will be used for locate informants from the indexations in the thesaurus tables.
define('TABLE_INFORMANT', 'informant');
Defining the field name for transcription component_tipo
Defines the 'component_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the transcription of the audiovisual files. This param is used for get the full transcription locator used in indexations.
Defining the audiovisual component_tipo
AV_TIPO string
Defines the 'component_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the audiovisual file. This param is used in combination with the AUDIOVISUAL_SECTION_TIPO to conform the full name of the audiovisual file.
The name of audiovisual files has his own locator to find it. The locator is used in the flat format: 'component_tipo''section_tipo''section_id' + extension Example: rsc35_rsc167_36.mp4
define('AV_TIPO', 'rsc35');
Defining the audiovisual section_tipo
Define the 'section_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the audiovisual information.
This param is used in combination with the AV_TIPO to conform the full name of the audiovisual file. The name of audiovisual files has his own locator to find it. The locator is used in the flat format: 'component_tipo''section_tipo''section_id' + extension Example: rsc35_rsc167_36.mp4
define('AUDIOVISUAL_SECTION_TIPO', 'rsc167');
Defining transcription component_tipo
Defines the 'component_tipo' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the transcription of the audiovisual files. This param is used for get the full transcription locator used in indexations.
define('TRANSCRIPTION_TIPO', 'rsc36');
Defining the duration column
Defines the name in the audiovisual table for the component_tipo 'rsc54' in Dédalo ontology used for stored the duration of the audiovisual files. This param is used for get the duration of the audiovisual file in the real time cuts and don't calculate it every time.
define('FIELD_DURATION', 'duration');
Defining the field name of the term for ts tables
Defines the field name of the thesaurus term for the component_tipo 'hierarchy25' in Dédalo ontology. Used for store the term of descriptors.
define('FIELD_TERM', 'term');
Setting the thesaurus tables
Defining the locator column name for ts tables
Defines the field name for the locator (in flat mode) that define the thesaurus. This parameter will use for get the terms of the correct tables.
define('FIELD_TERM_ID', 'term_id');
Defining the interview summary field name
Defines the field name of the interview summary for the component_tipo 'oh23' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_SUMMARY', 'abstract');
Defining interview date field name
Defines the field name of the interview date for the component_tipo 'oh29' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_INTERVIEW_DATE', 'date');
Defining the interview informant field
Defines the field name of the interview informant (interviewed) for the component_tipo 'oh24' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_INFORMANT', 'informant');
Defining the interview image field
Defines the field name of the interview image for the component_tipo 'oh17' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_IMAGE', 'image');
Defining the interviewed name field
Defines the field name of the interviewed for the component_tipo 'rsc85' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_NAME', 'name');
Defining the interviewed surname field
Defines the field name for the surname of the interviewed for the component_tipo 'rsc86' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_SURNAME', 'surname');
Defining the interviewed birth date field
Defines the field name for the interviewee's birth date for the component_tipo 'rsc89' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_BIRTHDATE', 'birthdate');
Defining the interviewee's birthplace field
Defines the field name for the interviewee's birthplace for the component_tipo 'rsc91' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_BIRTHPLACE', 'birthplace');
Defining the audiovisual file field name
Defines the field name for the audiovisual file for the component_tipo 'rsc35' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_VIDEO', 'video');
Defining the interview code field name
Defines the field name for the interview code for the component_tipo 'oh14' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_CODE', 'code');
Defining the order number of thesaurus term field name
Defines the field name for the order number of the thesaurus term, the component_tipo 'hierarchy36' in Dédalo ontology.
define('FIELD_NORDER', 'norder');
Defining the audiovisual interview field name
Defines the field name for the audiovisual interview, the component_tipo 'oh25' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_AUDIOVISUAL', 'audiovisual');
Defining the indexation field
Defines the field name for the indexations of audiovisual, the component_tipo 'rsc1051' in Dédalo ontology. It is used only for Oral history/memory.
define('FIELD_INDEX', 'indexation');
Defining access control for calls
Specifies a URI that may access the resource. You may specify one or more origins, separated by commas.
You can to define *
for requests without credentials
Defining MariaDb / MySQL database connection
Database to use (for multiple database publication options like 'mht'). var $db_name
is set in json/index.php file from request
define('MYSQL_WEB_DATABASE_CONN', !empty($db_name)
? $db_name // received in JSON request
: MYSQL_DEDALO_DATABASE_CONN // default from current db config
Defining publication schema
Publication schema defines how the fields and tables are connected. The publication schema definition is dependent of every diffusion element and his own ontology. This definition is optional, used to resolve the relations automatically. Every relation could be resolve with Publication API::records -> resolve_portals_custom
option of the API.
Schema defines the name of the field as the name of the property and table as his value.
"field_name" : "table_name"
If is necessary to create a automatic resolution for an image field with the image table, the publication schema will be:
"image" : "image"
Sometimes could be necessary to link different fields to same table, you could define multiple properties in the schema.
"image" : "image",
"identify_image" : "image"
When the schema is defined the API could resolve the links automatically using Publication API::records -> resolve_portal
property with true
Schema could resolve dd_relations fields in the same way, but in this case the value of the field is not the table directly but an object with every section_tipo of the locator will be resolve in the table.
"image" : "image",
"identify_image" : "image",
"dd_relations": {
"oh1" : "interview",
"rsc167" : "audiovisual"
for change the publication schema, change the diffusion_element in ontology and save it. This action will create a table named publication_schema
in MariaDB / MySQL with the schema.