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Using media components


Media components are using to manage files as images, audiovisuals, pdf, svg, or others. If you want upload a media file into a tool o extend a component is useful to use the media components functionalities, as load the file, process into the server, save the file into a section, etc. instead to create new process for the existing components.


This example show how use a Dédalo work API to upload a new image, store it, and re-used the uploaded image in other Dédalo parts or components.


  1. Import necessary tools
  2. Upload process:
    1. Create new section for the image
    2. Store the new section as my_image_data to be used to get the image
    3. Create new component_image
    4. Open the tool_upload interface
  3. Load image, when the image is uploaded previously
    1. Get my_image_data
    2. Create a component_image with my_image_data
    3. Get the URL of the quality that you want.

Let's go!

  1. First we need import some common methods:

    // necessary imports
        import {data_manager} from '../../common/js/data_manager.js'
        import {get_instance} from '../../common/js/instances.js'
        import {open_tool} from '../../../tools/tool_common/js/tool_common.js'
  2. Second will be to create the image section and store into the database. In you code the result of create the new section, with the locator will need to be stored into you data schema, the locator will use to read the image every time that will need necessary.

    About storing locator data into your data schema of the tool

    The locator is a object and it will use a item to re-create the component and the media section. Think if you will need to stored multiple images as array of locators.

    // create new section for the image, it will create new record in the database.
    // the result will be the data to stored into ...
    // DD_TIPOS object has the most common media sections, in this case we using the image section and component, but it's possible to use the ontology tipo or other sections.
    const image_section_tipo    = DD_TIPOS.DEDALO_SECTION_RESOURCES_IMAGE_TIPO // 'rsc170'
    const component_image_tipo  = DD_TIPOS.DEDALO_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_IMAGE_TIPO //'rsc29'
    // create API call as rqo (request query object), with the action to create new section
    const rqo = {
        action  : 'create',
        source  : {
            section_tipo : image_section_tipo
    // call to API
    const api_response = await data_manager.request({
        body : rqo
    // if the API result is ok go ahead
    if (api_response.result && api_response.result>0) {
        // section_id of the new record
        const section_id = api_response.result
        // data to be stored into ...., it will be used to load the image
        // the storage could be an array of images objects as:
        const to_stored_image_data = [{
            section_tipo    : image_section_tipo,
            section_id      : section_id,
            component_tipo  : component_image_tipo
        // To create the new image instance with the result data of uploaded process and build it.
        const component_image = await get_instance({
            model           : 'component_image',
            mode            : 'edit',
            tipo            : component_image_tipo,
            section_tipo    : image_section_tipo,
            section_id      : section_id
        await Note the 'await' here to indicate that this process need to be complete before continue, you can create a promise or do it inside a async function... as you want!
        // get the upload tool to be fired
        const tool_upload = => el.model === 'tool_upload')
        // open_tool, it will be the interface to upload data in new window.
                tool_context    : tool_upload,
                caller          : component_image
        // done!
  3. To load an image previously uploaded.

    Get the previously stored data in the upload process. Before this process you will need to obtain a locator of the stored array in your data schema, in any way necessary; for loop, array.find...

    // NOTE: this variable is used to show the locator data and to understand the next code.
    // It need to be the specific locator object to be loaded.
    const stored_image_data_item = {
        section_tipo    : image_section_tipo,
        section_id      : section_id,
        component_tipo  : component_image_tipo
    // create the new image instance and build it with the data stored
    const component_image = await get_instance({
        model           : 'component_image',
        mode            : 'edit',
        tipo            : stored_image_data_item.component_tipo,
        section_tipo    : stored_image_data_item.section_tipo,
        section_id      : stored_image_data_item.section_id,
    await Note the await here to indicate that this process need to be complete before continue, you can create a promise or do it inside a async function... as you want
    // Get the quality of the image, it could be default_quality, but maybe original_quality would be better here... ???
    // Maybe is possible add a quality selector to be decided by user.
    const file_info_default_quality =[0]?.files_info.find(el => el.quality===component_image.context.features.default_quality && el.file_exist===true)
    // so the url of the image to use will be: (don't forget to check if the uri exist!)
    const url = file_info_default_quality
        ? DEDALO_MEDIA_URL + file_info_default_quality.file_path
        : null